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Use the internet to help you learn something, there are plenty of great tools to use


YouTube For Schools

YouTube is known as the number one video sharing website in the world. And as fun as going to YouTube can be there are many other useful ways to take adavantage of this site. YouTube edu was created because of complaints from users that their school was blocking them access to use the site . YouTube created the site to be education friendly and to only contain videos that are intended to enhance learning. This makes it possible for schools to allow their students access to the site without worry of them seeing inappropraite content. This also makes it easy to search for a video at home for help on homework because all of the search results can be beneficial. The following video highlights the site's main features:


TED Talks

The use of video is not restricted solely to the use of YoutTube but rather the use of TED Talks can be just as useful. TED Talks are videos of speakers that share their experiences and knowledge on just about any topic you can think of. The reason that TED Talks are useful is because they are not only many times helpful regarding school subjects but they invite you to think beyond the classroom and in my own experiences, I have changed my opinions on certain issues because of some of the TED talks that I've seen. These videos provoke you to think and are also very enjoyable at the same time. So go to the site and search around for something you like.

The following video is just an example of the many great speeches on the site:


Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a non-profit company that aims to providing high quality education to those who cannot afford it or do not have the opportunity to receive it. The company was founded in 2006 with the mission statement, "Free world class education for anyone everywhere". And the site lives up to its promise. There are plenty of subjects that you can learn from each with walk through tutorials and visual aids to help the learning process. The site when utilized can be a great study tool if you are looking for help on a subject you are confused on. The follwing is an example of a lesson you could find on the website, if you needed help with math:


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