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Get Invloved


Being able to give back, is now also made easier because of the internet. There are thousands of organizations that people don't know about because they either aren't publicized wellenough or are not a big enough company for a large group of people to know who they are. But thanks to the internet there are tools for finding the right non-profit for you to either donate to or get involved with. The best site that I have seen is it is a database of 1.8 million IRS recognized non-profit organizations, and it allows you to search for organizations by name or location and allows access for instant donation making it easy to give back. If you don't have an organization you are involved with and would like to be I urge you to take a look into one that my sister works for called the Olevolos Project. It is an organization dedicated to servicing orphans in Tanzania, Africa. Here is a quick video intro of the organization: 


This is an exaple of a small organization that without the internet could not have gained much following and so if giving back is something you want to do or even start your own organization the internet makes all of that possible.

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